An Interactive 3D Recommender for TED Talks

Imagine that all TED talks form a universe, where galaxies are talks with similar topics. Wouldn’t it be fun to create a map of the galaxies so that we can nevigate visually? using topic modeling and Google’s Embedding Projecter, I created an interactive 3D map of the TED talks, in which people can explore topics they are interested in and get intuitive recommendations. Tools applied include: NLTK, Gensim, Word2Vec, scikit-learn, pymongo. (Click here to jump to the recommender demo.)

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Edible Mushrooms - Classifier Comparison

What are the most important features that distinguish edible mushrooms from the poisonous ones? Can classifers that perfectly divide a dataset be our safe guide in the field? Here’s a story on data analysis meeting practical needs, with human error taken into account. Tools applided include Sklearn, AWS, postgreSQL, D3, Flask.

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Predicting Sediment Concentration in the Mississippi River

The second project has two major components: web scraping (BeautifulSoup, Selenium) and linear regression (ScikitLearn, StatsModels). My topic came from previous experience as a geomorphologist and costal engineerer: is it possible to predict sediment concentration in the lower Mississippi River using upstream hydrological data?

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Metis Project 1 - First Week & Pandas

It has been a short and productive week. For our first project, we dove right into Pandas and provided recommendations for an NGO in New York City using MTA turnstile data and more.

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